Employer Guides
February 27, 2024

Invite Candidates to Interviews

How to invite potential candidates to take part in your interview process using AsyncInterview

With AsyncInterview you can share the interview with candidates in three ways:

  • Share the link to the interview
  • Directly mail the individual candidates by entering their emails
  • Import emails from a CSV and bulk mail a list of potential candidates

Once you have set up the interview questions for the required role using Quick Start panel shown above, you may proceed to the bottom of the page where you encounter the following interview sharing options:

Interview link sharing is a convenient option when coordinating with candidates via social media channels as recruiters can simply copy the Link to the Interview and paste it on the respective messenger applications they’re using to communicate with candidates.

If you wish to email the candidates instead, you may navigate to the Candidates’ email addresses and select whether to enter emails manually or to import from a CSV file.

  1. If you choose to enter the emails manually, enter them separated by a comma.

  1. If you choose to enter the emails from a CSV file, click Import from CV and select the file from the local device.

  1. Once you enter the emails, click Send by email.

For more information on setting up an interview, visit our Quick Start Guide.

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